Jetronic Services Limited Mr. Michalakis Nikolaidis founded Jetronic Services Ltd 35 years ago, initially as a car electrician. Since then, the company has trans... Christakis Pavlou In 1978, Christakis Pavlou & Son Ltd (Autoservicecy) began its operations as a Car Electrician and has since established a strong a... Costas Pitsillos Kostas A. Pittillos & Sons Ltd, started its operation in 1982, specializing in the automotive electrical sector. The many years of ... Frantzis Motorservices G. Frantzis Motorservices Ltd, was founded in 2007 and is an approved aftersales service provider for Mercedes-Benz vehicles. The compa... Scitech Automotive Scitech offers individualized and customized automotive repair and maintenance services. They work out of a modern and well-equipped wo...